GraD Photos

March Grad Photo Sessions:

DATES: March 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28

Schedule Your 2025 Graduation Portrait Session Online!

NOTE: Please use the same first/last name that you are registered at the University with. Don’t book an appointment with a preferred name.

NOTE: $25.00 Session Fee is required at the time of your appointment.

General Information

o Your session fee ($25) must be paid to your photographer at the time of your photo session. Debit or credit is preferred, but cash and cheque will be accepted. Cheque made payable to Lifetouch Canada.

o Photos will be taken in the SSA office, 209E Armes Building, 186 Dysart Road

o Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time!

A Word about Your Proofs

Two to three weeks after your photo session, you will receive a set of proofs by Canada Post and an email with a link so you can view your graduation proofs online. Keep in mind that your proofs are not retouched, but your finished portrait order will include basic retouching at no charge to eliminate blemishes & soften lines. Premium retouching is available at an additional cost.

Getting Ready!

o Only the individual Graduate will be allowed at the appointment; no friends or family members will be permitted.

o If you are wearing a mask, you will be asked to remove it just prior to the start of your photo session.

o Lifetouch will provide the traditional grad gown, hat, tassel and hood worn on the shoulders of the grad gown.

o You are welcome to wear your own dress shirt (of any colour) with or without tie. Please ensure your tie is pre-tied before your appointment or use a clip-on tie. 

o Graduates who prefer to not wear a dress shirt with or without a tie, we suggest wearing a v-neck or scoop neck shirt. Please come prepared to your session already dressed in this attire.